We Define A Learning Culture Through STEM

How You Think So Shall You Be.

Imagine your mind is like a garden, and your thoughts are like seeds you plant in it. If you plant seeds of happiness, kindness, and courage, your garden will grow with beautiful flowers and strong and bright trees. But if you plant seeds of sadness, anger, or fear, your garden might not look so colorful or feel so good to walk in.

The phrase "How you think, so shall you be" means to our learning culture that your thoughts can shape who you are, just like the seeds can decide what grows in your garden. If you think, “I’m not a math person” or a technology person,” then you are planting the seeds of fear and negativity. If you understand that you are, because all human beings are mathematical, then you are planting seeds of courage.

You Are a Maker.

Imagine that you have a big box of building blocks. When you use those blocks to build a tower, house, or spaceship, you're creating something new with your hands and imagination. Being a "maker" means just that! It's like being a builder or an artist, but it's even more special because it can be about making anything you can think of, not just buildings or paintings.

So, when we say "You are a maker," our learning culture is describing to you that you have the power to create new technology, solve problems, or make something beautiful or useful out of your ideas. It's like having a superpower where your creativity and actions can bring something new and exciting. Whether you're coding, controlling robots, writing a story, or inventing a new game, being a maker is all about using your creativity and skills to make your ideas come to life!

We Are All Born to Learn and Grow.

Imagine you're a tiny seed planted in the ground. When you're first put into the soil, you're very small, but you have everything inside you that you need to grow into a big, beautiful plant. Just like that seed, every person, including you, starts out small. But, inside each of us, there's everything we need to learn, grow, and become amazing in our own ways.

"We are all born to learn and grow" means to our learning culture that from the moment we arrive in the world, we start on a big adventure of discovering new things and becoming stronger, smarter, and more skilled. It's like going on a treasure hunt where the treasure is all the cool stuff we get to learn and all the ways we change and get better over time. Everyone is born with this capacity for learning, developing, and growing. Our culture is about giving everyone the opportunity, equitably, no matter where you grew up and who you were born too to reach your full potential.

You Are a Problem Solver.

Problems can be like puzzles. They can be simple, like figuring out how to fix a broken toy, or tricky, like finding the best way to talk with a loved one about hard emotional issues. When someone says, "You are a problem solver," that means to our learning culture that you as a human being were born with the most complex brain of the animal kingdom and are naturally good at looking at problems and finding ways to solve them.

Being a problem solver doesn't mean you always know the answers right away. It means you're willing to think carefully, make mistakes, try different ideas, and keep going, even if it gets tough. You use your brain, creativity, and sometimes your hands to find solutions that improve can improve things. Just have the courage to use this natural talent and it will grow.